İşyeri eğitimi esnasında karşılaşılan yıldırma: İşyeri yöneticisi kadın ve erkek olan stajyer öğrencilerin algıladıkları yıldırma düzeyinin karşılaştırılması (Hacettepe Üniversitesi örneği)

Yıldırma, mobbing veya diğer adıyla işyerinde psikolojik şiddet, işyerinde kişiyi hedef alan ve sistemli olarak tekrarlanan; aşağılama, sindirme, korkutma ve duygusal olarak yıpratmaya dönük tutum ve davranışlar olarak ifade edilebilir. Yıldırma çalışma yaşamında yaygın olarak karşılaşılan bir olgudur; ancak burada asıl sorun kim kime psikolojik şiddet uygulamaktadır veya yıldırma algısının farklılaşmasının nedeni nedir? Eğer yıldırma algılama düzeyi farklı ise burada demografik faktörlerin rolü nedir? Yıldırma algısı var ise bunda yöneticilerin demografik özelliklerinin, özellikle cinsiyet değişkeni bir faktör müdür? Gibi soruların cevabı bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Ülkemizde son yıllarda işyerinde psikolojik şiddet konusunda yapılan çalışmalarda genellikle yıldırmayı algılayanların demografik özellikleri üzerinde durulmakla birlikte, yıldırma algısında yöneticilerin demografik özelliklerinin, özellikle cinsiyet değişkeninin rolü göz ardı edilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hem işyeri eğitimine katılan öğrencilerin demografik özelliklerine göre yıldırmayı algılama durumlarının belirlenmesi, hem de yıldırma algısında işyeri yöneticilerinin demografik özelliklerinin bir faktör olup olmadığını ortaya çıkarmak ve bu tür davranışlarla baş etme yollarının neler olduğunu alan çalışması yöntemiyle desteklemek, böylece teorik çalışmalara ve uygulayıcılara katkıda bulunmaktır. Bu çalışma, işyeri yöneticisi kadın veya erkek olan stajyer öğrencilerin yıldırma algı durumlarını saptamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanının evrenini Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokullarında okuyan ve stajını tamamlamış 2. sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın evreni geniş olduğundan örneklem saptanmasına ihtiyaç duyulmuştur. Örneklem olarak Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu seçilmiştir. Bu amaçla konuya ilişkin bir araştırma yapılmış, elde edilen veriler çeşitli istatistiksel teknik ve yöntemlerle analiz edilerek, sonuçlar tartışılmış ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Bullying encountered during workplace training: Comparison of bullying level perceived by trainees whose workplace managers are women and men (sample of Hacettepe University)

Bullying, mobbing or psychological violence in other words can be described as humiliation, intimidation, terrorisation that targets the person in workplace and is repeated systematically and the attitudes and behaviours aimed at wearing emotionally. On the other hand, bullying is a continuous and relentless attack to self-esteem and self confidence of persons, the main reason underlying this behaviour is the desire of establishing superiority against other individual, subjecting to and eradicating it. When general characteristics of the persons exposed to bullying are analyzed, it is seen that these persons are successful, innovative, informed and trained ones, in case the one applying psychological violence is senior, concern of substituting senior by subordinate is presented as the reason of emergence of these behaviours. The most important reason of bullying fact used in psychological pressure factor in workplaces or offices is to intimidate, demoralize more capable personnel and inhibit their approach to its position in order to protect its position. It is seen that, the persons subject to bullying are those with high emotional intelligence displaying many positive properties such as intelligent, honesty, creativity and success. Those encountering with the bullying becomes the persons selected due to the fact that creative thoughts produced by them discomfort other employees and comprise threat for the persons working at higher position. These persons are composed of the employees liking their job, integrating with the job they perform, believing in targets and prestige of organization. In the researches carried out regarding bullying, it comes to the forefront that those exposed to psychological violence does not able to express the things happened, those adopting a particular attitude do not make this consciously at first; the group developing an attitude towards tries to describe the person whom they apply pressure as incompatible person. The one the most affected from bullying process becomes the person itself exposed to bullying. When the results brought by bullying are examined, the friends boring from negative behaviours and attitudes of the mistreated whose social attitude is injured have entered into trend of leaving it slowly. Those its around evaluate the one exposed to bullying as “unsuccessful individual”. The person is excluded and in addition to enters into process of losing its vocational identity. Solution of organizational and managerial problems against bullying actions is found necessary in organizations. The bullying applied by managers to their subordinates in control network of organization in fact is arisen from power relations. Bullying is not a fate regardless of its source and is seen a humanitarian and organizational management problem to be solved definitely. In order to overcome bullying, it will require acting in professional manner. The individual exposed to bullying should increase its information about subject; take necessary precautions by assessing the attitudes and behaviours of attacker against possible attacks. In the studies conducted about psychological violence in workplace recently, in general it is stressed on demographic properties of those perceiving bullying but demographic properties of managers in bullying perception especially role of gender variable is ignored. Bullying is a fact encountered frequently in working life but the main question here is that whom psychological violence is applied or what the reason is for differentiation of bullying perception. It has been tried to find the answers of the questions in the way that if perception level of bullying is different, what is the role of demographic factors here? If bullying perception is available, are demographic properties of managers especially gender variable a factor for that? Some of those applying bullying pay no attention to mobbing as they are supported, appreciated by others or do not encounter with any resistance. The matter to be known is that the employee or trainee subject to bullying should consider this situation as unacceptable; in addition man or woman managers should also do their bit on removal of bullying process. The efforts to prevent bullying in workplace and the attempts related to treatments of those exposed to bullying have gained importance in recent years. That both permanent employees and trainees expose to bullying in workplaces of our country confronts us as a noticeable reality. As institutions struggle to reach perfection in areas such as team work, authorization, confidence, honesty, open and healthy communication, employee empowerment; make activity on complaint and resolution of dispute, prevention need of bullying will also increase. Objective of this study is to determine the situations of perception for bullying according to demographic properties of students participating to workplace training and reveal whether or not demographic properties of workplace managers are a factor for bullying perception and support through case study of what overcoming ways for such behaviours are, so contribute to theoretical studies and implementers. This study has been carried out with the purpose of determining perception level on bullying of trainees whose workplace managers are men or women. The population of research is students of second class studying in Vocational School of Social Sciences and having completed their traineeships. As the population of research is wide, it is needed to sample determination. Hacettepe University, Vocational School of Social Sciences has been selected as sample. Data in research has been collected by using questionnaire technique. Questionnaire comprises two chapters. The questions relevant to personal information (gender and age) in the first chapter and the ones abut bullying (mobbing) in the second chapter are given. The expressions found in scale for general perception of bullying was developed by Dick and Rayner (2004), Zapf et al. (1996), Fox and Stallworth (2005) and used in the study of Karacaoğlu and Reyhanoğlu. 35 questions are available in 9 lower dimensions of the questionnaire prepared as 5 point likert scale. Questionnaire was sent to 148 students having completed their traineeship, of these, 112 questionnaires were returned, 104 questionnaires could be evaluated. The questionnaire used as a means of data collection has been subjected to reliability analysis and Cronbach’s Alpha value has been determined as α=0,9985; Results have been discussed and recommendations have been made by analyzing the data obtained by various statistical techniques and methods.


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