Divan ve Halk Edebiyatı Sanatçılarına İlham Kaynağı Olan Rüya

Rüya, bütün insanlarıetkilediği gibi edebiyatçılarıda etkilemiştir. Divan ve halk edebiyatıalanında eser veren bazı şair ve yazarlar, verdikleri eserlerle ilgili çeşitli rüyalar gördüklerini ifade etmişlerdir. Divan edediyatısanatçılarının gördükleri rüyalar, genellikle manevî bir kişinin bir eserin yazılmasınıtavsiye etmesi niteliğinde iken; halk şairlerinin rüyaları, onlara şairlik kabiliyetinin verilmesiyle ilgilidir. Divan şairi veya yazarırüyadan önce ne yapacağınıve neyle meşgul olacağınıbilemez durumdayken, rüyadan sonra kendisine rüyada yazılmasıtavsiye edilen eseri yazmaya kararlı, bu gücün kendisine verildiğini hisseden ve yazacağıeserin faydalıolacağına inanan bir kişi durumundadır. Halk şairi ise rüyadan önce şiirle meşgul olsa da tam bir ustalıkla ve Allah vergisi bir kabiliyetle bu işi yapmamakta, belki de çok zorlanmaktadır. Rüyadan sonra kendisine şairlik kabiliyeti verilmişdurumdadır ve artık kolayca şiir söyleyebilmektedir. Bazıhalk şairlerinin ise rüyadan önce şiirle hiç alâkasıyokken rüyada kendilerine şairlik kabiliyeti verilir ve şair olurlar; Bu şairler, bundan sonra çok kolay şiir söylerler. Her iki edebiyatta da rüya, sanatçılar için bir ilhâm kaynağıözelliği taşımaktadır. Rüyadan sonra kişinin tamamen değişmesi söz konusudur. Görülen rüya, bir ya da daha çok eserin ortaya çıkmasına sebep olma özelliğine sahiptir.

The Dream Which Has Been Source Of Inspiration for The Artists of Divan and Folk Literature

Dream, has affected the literature as it has affected all the humans. Some poets and writers who gave works of art in the field of classical Turkish poetry and folk literature stated that they saw some sort of dreams about the works they gave. Dream is a piece of our lives for sure. Every human sees dreams and evaluates it in various ways, they consider some of them important, and don’t attach importance to some. Most people consider the things which they see in the dreams as a message for themselves. While it is believed that some things are shown directly to the person in the dream, some of the things are thought to be explained by the help of some signes. In order to understand the influence and the importance of the dream at putting the literary work forward, first of all it is necessary to reveal some information about the dream and to understand the place and the significance of the dream in Turkish community. It is possible to collect the result of the search about dream in the east and west lasting for centuries in one sentence: Dream is to reveal a secret but to reveal it with deficient terms. Sigmund Frueud bases the researches about the dreams on this idea and connects the dream and desires. Dreams are considered in two groups as loyal dreams and fleshly dreams by sufis, at the same time they are divided into three groups as from Allah, from angel and from devil. The dream in Turkish culture is not a blank daydream that comes to a person’s mind but it is real and the fact that is accepted to have been lived. Moreover it is accepted as a direct divine message and warn since there is no self-control of human in this experience. The person who sees a dream, in the direction of the dream he sees, with a determination beyond the acts of his own volition, takes action immediately and does what is necessary. The motif of the dream is very important in folk literature. In this motif, according to the tradition of ‘drinking wine from the master’s hand’ in the dream, it is believed that the poets write the poems by the help of the divine inspiration and the spiritual support. As for the classical Turkish literature, it is known that many works are written as a result of an instilling in the dream. Especially in the sections of “the reason of the compilation” of masnawis poem made up of rhymed couplets, each couplet being of a different rhyme. this type dreams are explained clearly. Drinking love wine in the dream, one of the most important motifs that we have seen in folk literature. The adjective of ‘minstrel with wine’ is used about the poets who start reading poems after they drink wine from the master’s hand. The minstrels think that starting to be minstrel or being educated and becoming a master minstrel is due to drinking wine in the dream and becoming a minstrel with wine or being educated near the master , which are two important ways that they see it as a traditional element. The minstrels wine doesn’t mean the alcoholic drinks such as rakı brandy made in Eastern Mediterranean Turkey and the Balkans from grapes or plumsand flavored with anise , wine in the folklore. It is possible to drink liquid such as sherbet any of a number of nonalcoholic drinks made with sugar and spices or sugar and fruit juice , and water, also any kind of food like apple, pomegranate, bread, grape is okay. Even a saz a stringed instrument which somewhat resembles a lute given is wine. In the classical Ottoman poetry drinking wine in the dream is not under consideration. The person seen in the dream, recommends a work to be written directly. The dream is related to that work. While the dreams the poets of divan literature see have the feature of the fact that they usually advise a spiritual man or work to be written, the dreams of folk poets are related to the talent of poetship that is given to them. The poet or the writer of divan doesn’t know what to do and what to be busy with before the dream whereas after the dream he is determined to write the work recommended in the dream, he feels that the power was given to themselves and he believes that the work he is going to write will be useful. As for the folk poet even if he works on the poem before the dream he can’t do this work completely skilfully and with the talent that was given by Allah, perhaps he encounters great difficulties. After the dream the talent of poetship is given to himself and he can read the poem easily. Moreover some folk poets have nothing to do with poems, the talent of poetship is given to them in the dream and they become poets and they read poems easily. In folk literature the person, who is interested in the poem or not, acquires the ability of poetship and becomes a real poet. As for the classical Ottoman poetry, the dream generally is related to the fact that a definite work is recommended to be written in the dream While the dream the minstrel sees directly increases his talent of poetship and consequently his esteem in the folk literature, in the classical Ottoman poetry the dream which the poet or the writer sees increases the prestige of the work, the writer or the poet has written, more. All this information shows that the dream in Turkish culture is real and an event that is accepted to have been experienced, not an empty daydream and image that comes to the human’s mind. Besides since there is no volition in this life, it is accepted as a direct divine message and warn. The person who sees a dream, in the direction of the dream he sees, with a determination beyond the acts of his own volition, takes action immediately and does what is necessary


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