Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L) Cultivation Form and Potentiality under Konya Conditions, Türkiye

Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L) Cultivation Form and Potentiality under Konya Conditions, Türkiye

Increasing climate change effect with decreaing and limation of food sources, alternative and well adopted pathway should used. Proso millet is one of human food alternative, its dry enviroment crops. Panicum miliaceum is used in human and animal nutrition. Recently it has been grown in the Konya region in an irrigated schemes for its grain. Proso millet grains have vital economic and nutrition potential. Previously were used to feed pet birds and poultary. Under Konya conditions, the farmer obtained about 150-200 kg/da grain yield. Crop seeds are harvested in 90-100 days, using a combined harvester. The crop possesses a vital capacity of being a promising crop that might contribute to human food security.