Turkey has a high potential in the field of agriculture and livestock production. Turkey has a long history in the production of livestock system, which became the “buffer” sector of economy and the “locomotive” sector of Turkey. Although nowadays pastures are decreased, Turkey has quite large pastures. Besides, the domestic demand for meat in Turkey is quite large and tend to a show considerable growth. Animal husbandry is carrying great importance in terms of protein source and fattening cattle in the red meat production. In this sense, the development of meat production in terms of quality and quantity is also very necessary in terms of the nutritional problem that arises parallel to the growing population. In this study, the causes of increase in meat prices in Turkey were investigated, and the findings showed that, the cause of the price increases made as inadequate animal fattening. As a result, it was decided to establish a new place for the production of cattle-raising. Before starting the construction of the fattening livestock farm, firstly the location of the establishment is considered. In the decision-making process, it is quite difficult to make choices because of the different alternatives in terms of various criteria's. For this purpose, the PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) method, which is an easy and straightforward method of multi-criteria decision making techniques which are frequently used in researches in recent years, has been used to select the place of establishment in Turkey. The choice of fattening farm establishment site was evaluated in 81 provinces; cattle feed areas, demand on meat, urban development index value, average minimum temperature, average maximum temperature, precipitation amount and grant support criteria were evaluated with using the PROMETHEE method. The interactions between the criterion and the criteria that influence the process were determined as a result of the survey conducted. As a result of this survey study, criteria weights and criterion values were determined by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and solved by PROMETHEE method considering the results. As a conclusion, the most suitable and the less suitable provinces for fattening livestock farm are selected 


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