It was aimed to determine the perception levels of nurse and medical secretary-data entry staffs who working in Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital Seyhan Application Center which constitutes the health records of Health Information Systems and actively uses Hospital Information Management Systems in the study. 249 nurses and 114 medical secretaries-data entry staffs who working in the Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital Seyhan Application Center constitute the universe of research. 83 of them are nurses and 38 of them are medical secretary-data entry staffs constitute the research sample.  Survey method was preferred in the research and samples were randomly selected. Cronbach's alpha test was used for survey’s validity and reliability. Dependent variable is level of perception; Independent variable is demographic characteristics in the study. Evaluation of the data was done in the SPSS 18 program. As a result of the study, it was determined that the perception of the hospital automation system was higher among the data entry staffs in those who graduated from high school. It was seen that nurses thought that they did not have all the authority to use the system, that they encountered frequent problems in the system, that the problems were not resolved in a short time, that the system did not make work easier enough and did not meet expectations, The data entry staffs stated that they were educated about the subject and the nurses did not take it. Both groups found that the system was useful for patient operations and laboratory operations.  


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