The importance of managing and organizing problems in hospitals that have a growing organizational structure is increasing day by day because they have undertaken a large part of the provision of health services. This study was conducted in order to reveal the causes of managerial and organizational problems faced by the managers in hospitals.  The study is descriptive and the data obtained by a survey method in a private hospital in Istanbul have been performed. A total of 76 managers were interviewed. Independent Groups T-Test and One-Way Anova parametric analysis techniques were used to determine the normal distribution of data according to the K-S normality test. The collected data were evaluated with SPSS 21.0 statistical program and excel.  As a result of the research; Women managers organize their meetings in certain periods. While male managers expressed support from senior management, those with moderate experience indicated that they received support from senior management. Managers who are under 30 years old believe that they are a good leader. It has been evaluated that management training does not lead to a meaningful difference in the answers given to the management and organization, and thus it can be explained by the low number of participants in management education. This study was conducted in order to reveal the causes of managerial and organizational problems faced by managers in hospitals . The study is descriptive and the data obtained by a survey which have been performed in a private hospital in Istanbul. A total of 76 managers were interviewed. Independent Groups T-Test and One-Way Anova parametric analysis techniques were used to determine the normal distribution of data according to the K-S normality test. The collected data were evaluated with SPSS 21.0 statistical program and excel. Women managers organize their meetings in certain periods. While male managers expressed support from senior management, those with moderate experience indicated that they received support from senior management. Managers who are under 30 years old believe that they are a good leader. Management training does not lead to a meaningful difference in the given answers.  As a result of the research; it has been evaluated that management education does not lead to a meaningful difference in given answers, thus it can be explained by the low number of participants in management education. Other important results of the study indicated that female health managers held meetings during certain periods.  Male managers expressed support from senior management, as moderate experience manager also received support from senior management. Managers who are under 30 years old believe that they are a good leader compared to other age groups. 


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