Case Report / Olgu Sunusu Tethered Cord Syndrome Tethered Cord Sendromu

Case Report / Olgu Sunusu Tethered Cord Syndrome Tethered Cord Sendromu

Tethered Cord syndrome (TCS) is a disease in which neural tissue ischemia develops as a result of stretching of the spinal cord and eventually progressive neurological loss develops. Children with TCS have urinary day-night incontinence, frequent urination and frequent urinary infection. Signs and symptoms can be present from birth, but often occur over time. The feared condition is renal damage due to neurogenic bladder (NM) and chronic renal failure (CRF). In this article, we present a 14-year-old female patient who developed CRF due to TCS, who had leaked urine during day and night since her childhood and later presented with renal failure.


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