Hayrettin TÜRK, Hüseyin BERBER

Structural Studies of Water-Soluble b-Brominated Manganese Porphyrins: Stabilities of MnTDCSPPBr 8 and MnTSPPBr 8 as Homogeneous and Supported Reagents Toward Hydrogen Peroxide and Sodium Hypochlorite

Structural Studies of Water-Soluble b-Brominated Manganese Porphyrins: Stabilities of MnTDCSPPBr 8 and MnTSPPBr 8 as Homogeneous and Supported Reagents Toward Hydrogen Peroxide and Sodium Hypochlorite

Turkish Journal of Chemistry

2001-Cilt: 25 - Sayı: 2


Turk. J. Chem., 25, (2001), 215-222. Full text: pdf Other articles published in the same issue: Turk. J. Chem., vol.25, iss.2.

Turk. J. Chem., 25, (2001), 215-222. Full text: pdf Other articles published in the same issue: Turk. J. Chem., vol.25, iss.2.