Makram Abbès. Islam and Politics in the Classical Age. [al-Islam wa-l-Siyasa fi al-Asr al-Wasıt] translated [from French] by Muhammed Haj Salim. Beirut: Nuhudh Center for Studies and Publications, 2020, 208 pages.

Makram Abbès. Islam and Politics in the Classical Age. [al-Islam wa-l-Siyasa fi al-Asr al-Wasıt] translated [from French] by Muhammed Haj Salim. Beirut: Nuhudh Center for Studies and Publications, 2020, 208 pages.

Dîvân: Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar Dergisi

2021-Cilt: 26 - Sayı: 51


Makram Abbès, Islam and Politics in the Classical Age., Fadi Zatari

Makram Abbès., Islam and Politics in the Classical Age., Fadi Zatari