Marcos PAJARÓN-GUERRERO, Marta LISA-GRACIA, Aureliu GRASUN, Elena GRASUN, Estela Cobo GARCIA, Ana María Arnaiz GARCIA, Ana Gonzalez SANEMETERIO, Iciar Allende MANCISIDOR, Pedro Sanroma MENDIZABAL, María Lara TORRE, Manuel Francisco Fernández MIERA

Self-Administered Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy for Urinary Tract Infection from the Emergency Department: A Safe and Effective Strategy to Avoid Hospital Admission

Self-Administered Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy for Urinary Tract Infection from the Emergency Department: A Safe and Effective Strategy to Avoid Hospital Admission

Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine

2018-Cilt: 17 - Sayı: 4
