Abdullah Taha ORHAN

Feryal Salem. The Emergence of Early Sufi Piety and Sunni Scholasticism: 'Abdallah b. Al-Mubarak and the Formation of Sunni Identity in the Second Islamic Century. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2016. viii + 166 sayfa.

Feryal Salem. The Emergence of Early Sufi Piety and Sunni Scholasticism: ‘Abdallah b. Al-Mubarak and the Formation of Sunni Identity in the Second Islamic Century. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2016. viii + 166 sayfa.

Dîvân: Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar Dergisi

2016-Cilt: 21 - Sayı: 41
