Ahmet Can ÜLGER, Adem Emin ANLARSAL, Mustafa GÖK, Bülent ÇAKIR, Celal YÜCEL, İşık ONAÇ, Osman ATICI

The Effect of Green Manure Crops of Legumes on Grain Yield and some Agronomical Characters of Maize Grown on Different Nitrogen Doses

The Effect of Green Manure Crops of Legumes on Grain Yield and some Agronomical Characters of Maize Grown on Different Nitrogen Doses

Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry

1998-Cilt: 23 - Sayı: EK1


Turk. J. Agric. For., 23, (1999), 193-200. Full text: pdf Other articles published in the same issue: Turk. J. Agric. For., vol.23, iss.EK1.

Turk. J. Agric. For., 23, (1999), 193-200. Full text: pdf Other articles published in the same issue: Turk. J. Agric. For., vol.23, iss.EK1.