Farzana YOUSUF, Quddusi B. KAZMI

New Records for Two Sergestids: Sergestes orientalis Hansen, 1919 and Sergia umitakae Hashizume and Omori, 1995 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Sergestidae)

New Records for Two Sergestids: Sergestes orientalis Hansen, 1919 and Sergia umitakae Hashizume and Omori, 1995 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Sergestidae)

Turkish Journal of Zoology

2008-Cilt: 32 - Sayı: 3


Sergestes orientalis, Sergia umitakae, Sergestidae, new records, International Indian Ocean Expedition

Sergestes orientalis, Sergia umitakae, Sergestidae, new records, International Indian Ocean Expedition