Arulmani INDUMATHI, Ayhan ESİ, Nagarajan SUBRAMANİAN, Mustafa Kemal ÖZDEMİR

On $\left( p,q\right) $-analog of Stancu operators of rough $\lambda$- statistically $\rho$-Cauchy convergence of triple sequence spaces

On $\left( p,q\right) $-analog of Stancu operators of rough $\lambda$- statistically $\rho$-Cauchy convergence of triple sequence spaces

Maltepe Journal of Mathematics

2021-Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1


$\left( p, q\right) -$ calculus, $\rho$-Cauchy, $r\lambda $-statistical convergence, Bernstein Stancu beta operators, rough statistical convergence, natural density, triple sequences


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