Darülfünun : İlim ve demokrasi müderris Hüsnü Hamid ( Sayman ) Bey ' in bildirisi

Professor H.H.Sayman ' s declaration : The university.science and democracy

Following the proclamation of the Republic, the Istanbul Darülfünun, which was the only university in Turkey, went through a series of changes in its organisation, staff and curricula. This reform reflected the educational policy of the Ankara government at large, and its expectations from academics. The Dean of the Faculty of Sciences Professor Hüsnü Hamid Sayman (1891-1975), an active supporter of the new policies towards higher education, published a declaration entitled Darülfünun: İlim ve Demokrasi (The University, Science and Democracy) in 1925, discussing of the rôle of the university in the period of social transition.
