The professional sport which is structured by historical progress of sport, now lack of recreational objectives, seems like an occupation of gaining money. Industrial and urban progress provided that sport as a job and an obligation to work with scientific and law methods in sports area. We observing every Progressive country won't's to release Large sport organizations, because sport is perceising as one of the basis of social and economic employment sport's function of provide freedom and peace between peoples and professional athletes moral qualities are on expectation of people. Professionality as a fob involves honorable and morally sportsmen. As a natural results offair plav when govemment ofu'orld States brings out crimes and punishment is sport, fair play corne out as a criteria. The essential objective of physical education and sport that keep man's psvchological and phvsical healt, rnind and friendship emotions in society. In this research, we investigates the Turkish Federation punishment directive of Football's has a couple of paradoxes about athletes rights. We stated this which an athletes right privation, punishment he rnust made a erime of sport. Right privation punishments may be results with the athletes sport life's end. At this time, managers rnust interest only athletes sport crimes not every crimes.


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