In a company, decisions are taken by members, meeting together and deciding by a majority vote. But the majority cannot go on unchecked Under The Turkish Commercial Law there is some protection of the minority of members against the acts of the majority but winding up a company is not permitted. According to English and Swiss Laws, the minority shareholders can sue to the court to wind up the company on the ground that it is just and equitable that the company be wound up. The mnding up a company may be an effective gun, but it must be ıısed carefully. The courts must not strike out a petition before the hearing on that basis, unless it has no doubts. some protection of the minority of members against the acts of the majority but winding up a company is not permitted. According to English and Swiss Laws, the minority shareholders can sue to the court to wind up the company on the ground that it is just and equitable that the company be wound up. The mnding up a company may be an effective gun, but it must be ıısed carefully. The courts must not strike out a petition before the hearing on that basis, unless it has no doubts.


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