0.05). Ancak başlangıç görme alanı indekslerinin ve cup/disk oranlarının ilerleyici görme alanı defekti saptanan gözlerde daha kötü olduğu ve başlangıç göziçi basınç değerlerinin de bu gözlerde daha yüksek olduğu görüldü (p<0.05). SONUÇ: YRP ile takip edilen NBG hastalarının %36'sında takip süresi boyunca EMGT kriterlerine uyan ilerleyici görme alanı kaybı oluştuğu gözlenmiştir. İlerleyici kayıp oluşan hastalarda daha yüksek başlangıç göziçi basıncı, daha kötü başlangıç görme alanı indeksleri ve daha yüksek cup/disk oranı gösterilen risk faktörleridir. PURPOSE: To investigate the visual field changes of normal tension glaucoma (NTG) patients by high-pass resolution perimetry (HRP) during a mid-term follow up. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty eight eyes of 15 NTG patients and 20 eyes of 10 control subjects were included to the study and visual field changes were followed up for at least 24 months with 6 monthly HRP testing. The changes in the visual fields were determined with the bctest program module which calculates the threshold changes for the tested locations between repeated visual field examinations. In the mean time, visual field indices like global deviation, local deviation, combined deviation and neural capacity were also evaluated. Progressive visual field deterioration was defined by using early manifest glaucoma treatment study (EMGT) criteria. RESULTS: The mean follow up period for NTG patients was 28.61±4.2 months and for the control subjects was 27.9±3.2 months; the mean number of visual field testing was 5.2±0.7 for NTG patients and 4.7±0.5 for the control subjects . All of the baseline visual field indexes were significantly worse in the NTG group (p<0.05). Ten (36%) of the 28 eyes with NTG showed progression of visual field damage according to EMGT criteria. None of the control eyes showed deterioration according this criteria during the study period (p=0.003). Variables like age, sex and visual acuity were not significantly different among the NTG eyes with progressive visual field loss and those without (p>0.05). However, the baseline visual field indexes and cup/disk ratios were significantly worse and baseline intraocular pressure values were significantly higher in the eyes with progressive visual field damage (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Thirty six percent of the eyes with NTG showed progressive visual field damage with the HRP testing during the follow up period. The risk factors present for the NTG eyes with progressive visual field damage were higher intraocular pressure, higher cup/disk ratios and worse baseline visual field indexes."> [PDF] Normal basınçlı glokom olgularında görme alanı kaybının yüksek rezolüsyonlu perimetre ile izlemi | [PDF] High-pass resolution perimetry follow up of visual field damage in normal tension glaucoma 0.05). Ancak başlangıç görme alanı indekslerinin ve cup/disk oranlarının ilerleyici görme alanı defekti saptanan gözlerde daha kötü olduğu ve başlangıç göziçi basınç değerlerinin de bu gözlerde daha yüksek olduğu görüldü (p<0.05). SONUÇ: YRP ile takip edilen NBG hastalarının %36'sında takip süresi boyunca EMGT kriterlerine uyan ilerleyici görme alanı kaybı oluştuğu gözlenmiştir. İlerleyici kayıp oluşan hastalarda daha yüksek başlangıç göziçi basıncı, daha kötü başlangıç görme alanı indeksleri ve daha yüksek cup/disk oranı gösterilen risk faktörleridir."> 0.05). Ancak başlangıç görme alanı indekslerinin ve cup/disk oranlarının ilerleyici görme alanı defekti saptanan gözlerde daha kötü olduğu ve başlangıç göziçi basınç değerlerinin de bu gözlerde daha yüksek olduğu görüldü (p<0.05). SONUÇ: YRP ile takip edilen NBG hastalarının %36'sında takip süresi boyunca EMGT kriterlerine uyan ilerleyici görme alanı kaybı oluştuğu gözlenmiştir. İlerleyici kayıp oluşan hastalarda daha yüksek başlangıç göziçi basıncı, daha kötü başlangıç görme alanı indeksleri ve daha yüksek cup/disk oranı gösterilen risk faktörleridir. PURPOSE: To investigate the visual field changes of normal tension glaucoma (NTG) patients by high-pass resolution perimetry (HRP) during a mid-term follow up. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty eight eyes of 15 NTG patients and 20 eyes of 10 control subjects were included to the study and visual field changes were followed up for at least 24 months with 6 monthly HRP testing. The changes in the visual fields were determined with the bctest program module which calculates the threshold changes for the tested locations between repeated visual field examinations. In the mean time, visual field indices like global deviation, local deviation, combined deviation and neural capacity were also evaluated. Progressive visual field deterioration was defined by using early manifest glaucoma treatment study (EMGT) criteria. RESULTS: The mean follow up period for NTG patients was 28.61±4.2 months and for the control subjects was 27.9±3.2 months; the mean number of visual field testing was 5.2±0.7 for NTG patients and 4.7±0.5 for the control subjects . All of the baseline visual field indexes were significantly worse in the NTG group (p<0.05). Ten (36%) of the 28 eyes with NTG showed progression of visual field damage according to EMGT criteria. None of the control eyes showed deterioration according this criteria during the study period (p=0.003). Variables like age, sex and visual acuity were not significantly different among the NTG eyes with progressive visual field loss and those without (p>0.05). However, the baseline visual field indexes and cup/disk ratios were significantly worse and baseline intraocular pressure values were significantly higher in the eyes with progressive visual field damage (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Thirty six percent of the eyes with NTG showed progressive visual field damage with the HRP testing during the follow up period. The risk factors present for the NTG eyes with progressive visual field damage were higher intraocular pressure, higher cup/disk ratios and worse baseline visual field indexes.">

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