Katip Çelebi ve Bilimler: Keşfü'z-zunun'un Mukaddimesinde "el-Ilm" Kavramı

Kashf al-zıiniin, written by Kiitib Chelebi who is a famous Ottoman in telleetual (lived in the17th century). is not only a comprehensive work exhibiting the bibliographical treasuryof the Muslim scientific tradition, b,ut alsa an encyclopedia of the religious and philosophical sciences. !ts introduction (muqaddimah) focuses on the altemative definitions ofknowledge, different classifications of sciences, scientific perspectives. especially on the relations of science and civilization. From this point of view it may be said that this introduction reflects the mentality of a Muslim-Turkish intellectual who wanted to bring up the actual value of his own scientific tradition, probably because of being motivated by hisrelatively awareness of the scientific developments achieved in the West. Apparently Katib Chelebi comrnitted himself to the rediscovery of his own traditional intellectual background and perspectives. As to the muqaddimah' s main references, they are Ibn Sina, Kadı Sa' id, al-Amidi, al-Juıjani, Ibn Khaldün, 'Allamah Hafid al-Taftazani, Muhammad Anün al-Shirwani and Tashkoprizii.dah.
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