%XDUDúWÕUPDWketim toplumu, tüketicilik, postmodernism, küreselleúme vetüketim-karúÕtlÕ÷Õ (anti-consumptLRQ IHQRPHQOHULQL NDYUDPVDO DoÕGDQ LQFHOHPHNWHGLU%XNDYUDPVDOODúWÕrmanÕn felsefi kayna÷Õ, modernizm and postmodernizmarasÕndaki benzerlik ve farklÕOÕklarÕ ortaya koymaktadÕr. Ana hat olarak, postmodernçerçevedeki tüketici satÕn-alÕm davranÕúlarÕndakÕ karmaúÕklÕ÷Õn etkileme yönetimi(impression management) teorisinden kaynaklanÕp, tüketim karúÕWlÕ÷Õ (anticonsumption) hareketi ile sonuçlanmasÕnÕ DQDOL] HWPHNWHGLU Geleneksel tüketiciaraútÕrmalarÕnÕQ X\XPVX] YH \HWHUVL] NDOGÕ÷Õ bir post modern dünya anlayÕúÕnda,tüketici davranÕúODUÕ bilimleri çerçevesinde, tüketim-karúÕtlÕ÷Õ e÷ilimi inceleyenaraútÕUmalara duyulan ihtiyaç belirlenmektedir

Consumers Of The Postmodern World: Theories Of Anti-Consumption and Impression Management

This manuscript examines the underlying interconnectedness of consumerism, postmodernism, globalisation and anti-consumption with a basic conceptual approach. Philosophical foundations of key terminology are explicated with a juxtaposition of modernism and postmodernism to elucidate their similarities and differences effectively. Furthermore, the complexities of consumer buying behaviour in a post-modern environment, stemming from impression management and resulting in anti-consumption practices are analysed. The need to study anticonsumption tendencies as a vital element of consumer behaviour is also identified, as the traditional approach to consumer research appears inadequate and insufficient in the context of a post-modern world. 


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