The European Council consists of the heads of state or government and, since the SEA, the President of the Commission. Some countries are constitutional monarchies, others are republics. It is up to the Constitution of each member state to determine its representation in the Council. As a rule monarchs do not participate since they fulfil a ceremonial rather than political function. Their countries are represented by the elected prime ministers. The presidents with the exception of the president of France, are in the same position. The meetings are chaired by the head of state or government of the country which holds the presidency of the Community.


The European Council consists of the heads of state or government and, since the SEA, the President of the Commission. Some countries are constitutional monarchies, others are republics. It is up to the Constitution of each member state to determine its representation in the Council. As a rule monarchs do not participate since they fulfil a ceremonial rather than political function. Their countries are represented by the elected prime ministers. The presidents with the exception of the president of France, are in the same position. The meetings are chaired by the head of state or government of the country which holds the presidency of the Community.


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