The use of albendazole in a case of hydatid cyst with multiple organ involvement

In the treatment of hydatid cysts, surgical intervention is still the primary method. In cases with multiple organ involvement, medical treatment with the benzimidazole group drugs (Mebendazole-Albendazole) has been reported to reveal promising results. We reported this case because of multiple organ involvement including posterior fossa involvement which is 'quite rare. We also discussed treatment results and drug efficacy with the literature review. A 24 year old female presented to our department with complaing of headache, cough and a foul smelling fluid regurgitating from the mouth that was of 15 days duration. Multiple cysts of various sizes and location were revealed on the chest x-ray. Multiple cysts in the liver, spleen, and kidneys were seen on the abdominal ultrasonography, and a cystic formation in the posterior cranial fossa was observed on the cranial computerized tomography. The indirect hemagglutination test was positive at the titration of 1:92400. Five courses of therapy each lasting four weeks with 800 mg/day Albendazole led to the dissolution of the cysts in the brain, kidneys and decrease in the number and / or size of the cysts in the spleen and liver. The contents of the cysts in the lungs were drained with the cyst wall being visible on x-ray.