A Bibliometric Review and Science Mapping Research of Oil Spill Response

This study aimed to evaluate the research output of oil spill response and citations from 2000 to 2022 through a bibliometric analysis. The primary findings were as follows: there has been a noticeable increase in the number of publications. The most active journal was Marine Pollution Bulletin. Environmental sciences ranked as the most popular subject area. The United States of America (USA) published the greatest number of single-authored, internationally collaborative, first-authored papers. Oil spill(s) was the most widely queried research term, ranking first in the article title, abstract, and author keyword analysis, respectively. The Deep-Water Horizon disaster, the largest marine oil spill in 2010, was the most frequently analyzed oil spill accident in the research as a sample. This study makes a significant contribution to the field of oil spill response science by being one of the few that applies network visualization and mapping technique. Further research is recommended in light of longer-term data and the diverse Web of Science (WoS) categories found in oil spill science, which may be visualized using a variety of bibliometric visualization applications.


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