Çayırlı manganese deposit occurs in radiolarite related to Ankara ophiolitic melangc of Lovver Cretaceous-Uppcr Cenonian age. The ore hody consistent with the hoşt rock is locatcd in the minör folds within this unit. The ore minerals are pyrolusitc and psilomelanc. Regarding the chcmical composition of the ore, it appears that the ore is Mn-rinc (Fe/Mn <0.1 ) and rescmbles to the deposits precipitated rapidly from the hot aqueous solutions near the submarine hydrothermal sources.The barium content of the deposit is higher than that of the normal seawater. In addition, the concentrations of the elements such as Ni, Co and Cu are lovver than that of the present-day hydrogenous manganese deposits. According to these data, it might be suggcsted that Çayırlı manganese deposit is formed by the hydrothermal convection processes at the seafloor spreading centers.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



Çayırlı manganese deposit occurs in radiolarite related to Ankara ophiolitic melangc of Lovver Cretaceous-Uppcr Cenonian age. The ore hody consistent with the hoşt rock is locatcd in the minör folds within this unit. The ore minerals are pyrolusitc and psilomelanc. Regarding the chcmical composition of the ore, it appears that the ore is Mn-rinc (Fe/Mn <0.1 ) and rescmbles to the deposits precipitated rapidly from the hot aqueous solutions near the submarine hydrothermal sources.The barium content of the deposit is higher than that of the normal seawater. In addition, the concentrations of the elements such as Ni, Co and Cu are lovver than that of the present-day hydrogenous manganese deposits. According to these data, it might be suggcsted that Çayırlı manganese deposit is formed by the hydrothermal convection processes at the seafloor spreading centers.


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