The basement of the investigated area is composed of the Karahamzauşağı formation of Paleozoic (Permo-Carboniferous) age. The Mesozoic is represented mainly by calcareous Demirkazık formation (Jurassic-Upper Cretaceous) and pelagic foraminifera bearing Yavça formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian). The Tertiary succession developed on an irregular paleotopographyof the Paleozoic-Mesozoic aged lithostratigraphic units. In the Tertiary succession, lateral and vertical transitions are quite common within short distances the terrestrial Gildirli formation (Oligocene-Lower Miocene) is found at the base of the Tertiary succession. The lacustrine Karsantı formation overlies the Gildirli formation. In the Lower Miocene, the Kaplankaya formation of shallow water-beach elastics and the Karaisali formation of reefal carbonates developed during a progressive transgression of the sea from the south. Fore reef facies of the reefal Karaisalı formation is represented by the Güvenç formation which is composed mainly of deep marine shales and marls.Turbiditic Cingöz formation developed due to the high sediment influx to the investigated area. The compressional forces were dominant during the evolution of the study area through the considered period. The Kızıldağ melange and the Faraşa ophiolite were emplaced on the platform which was stable till Maastrichtian, during which northern and northeastern parts of the platform had uplifted and the sea had retreated towards the south and southwest. Today, tectonic activity still is going on in the form of a normal block faulting. 



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