U9tincti dtinya edebiyati tizerine ytirtittilen en onemli tart1§malardan biri Fredric Jameson ve Aijaz Ahmad arasmda ya§anm1§tir. Jameson'm Social Text dergisinin on altmc1 say1smda yay1mlanan ve "(:okuluslu Sermaye <;agmda U9tincti Dtinya Edebiyat1" ba§hg1m ta§iyan yaz1sma Ahmad, aym derginin bir sonraki say1smda "Jameson'm btekilik Retorigi ve 'Ulusal Alegori"' ba§hkh bir yaz1yla cevap vermi§tir. Bu tart1§manm tarihi 1986 y1hna dek uzansa da, hem Jameson'm kulland1g1 belli ba§h kavramlar ve §emala§tirmalar, hem de Ahmad'm bunlara yonelik ele§tirileri ve ithamlan bir 9ok baklmdan gtincelligini korumaktadlf.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



     Res. Assist. Serhat Uyurkulak: Third World Literature and National Allegory. In his essay "Third-World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism", Fredric Jameson asserts that it is possible to sketch the cognitive aesthetics of third world literature, and offers national allegory as an umbrellaterm that can define all the cultural products of that geography. However, in "Jameson's Rhetoric of Otherness and 'National Allegory"', Aijaz Ahmad strongly refuses Jameson's theory by emphasizing that the socalled third world literature cannot be taken as a unified object of knowledge,thus no stable cognitive aesthetics can be constructed in relation to that heterogeneous concept. Ahmad also criticizes the three-worlds theory that Jameson relies on, and draws our attention to the peculiarities and multiplicity within third world countries. This paper intends to compare the two standpoints and discuss whether they necessarily neglect each other,or may be utilized side by side for a deeper understanding of the literary texts of third world.


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