The Arabic language contains the qualities of rhetoric, vastness, sweetness, eloquence, charm, and and broadness in meaning, and its speakers cannot deny that. For this reason, whenever the people of Mecca back then who knew the Arabic language too well and had a brilliant knowledge over the semantic secrets of the language, heard one or two of the Verses from the Gracious Koran dropped out of disbelief and polytheism, and entered into Islamic faith. For instance, our master when ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattāb, heard the first Verses of 20th Sūrah / Chapter Ṭā Hā he became a Muslim, and al-Walīd b. al-Mughīra who were one of the polytheists’ leaders upon hearing some Verses from the Gracious Koran got impressed a lot but was talked out of proclaiming Islamic faith by the polytheists. In this sense, wishful thinking is one of the grammatical methods abundant in the Arabic language, and it was mentioned several times in the Gracious Koran in various places in relation with various topics. Tamannī is of firm and constructive methods in Arabic language, and it is empoyed in the Gracious Koran with a variety of words and phrases.


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