2003 Cilt: 27 - Sayı: 4
Microwave rotational components of the $\nu_{9}$ =1 and $\nu_{10}$=2 vibrational modes of $^{13}CH_{3}$CCH molecule in the range 16-50 GHz
Mohammad AL-SHARE, James A. ROBERTS
Studies on Some Lithium-Borate Glasses Containing Iron and Copper
Gamal El-Deen Abd El-Raheem YAHYA
Photoelectrochemical Properties of CdSe:Sb Thin Film based Solar Cells: Influence of Electrode Thickness
Elahipasha U. MASUMDAR, Lalasaheb P. DESHMUKH
Change of brefringence in dye-doped nematic liquid crystals under laser illumination
S. Eren SAN, Oğuz KÖYSAL, Serhat ÖZDER, F. Necati ECEVİT
Null Membranes in Dyonic Black Hole Background
A Study Of Direct Two-Proton Transfer Reactions Using Optical Potential Model
Abdel Khaliq Abdel Rahman AL-FARRA
ESR Studies of a Quartz Single Crystal from the Menderes Massif-Turkey
Electrical, Optical, Structural and Morphological Properties of NiS Films
Ferhunde ATAY, Salih KÖSE, Vildan BİLGİN, İdris AKYÜZ
Extragalactic Objects in Basle Fields
Microwave rotational components of the $nu_{9}$ =1 and $nu_{10}$=2 vibrational modes of $^{13}CH_{3}$CCH molecule in the range 16-50 GHz
Microwave Rotational Components of the n9= 1 and n 10 = 2 Vibrational Modes of 13CH3CCH Molecule In the Range 16 -- 50 GHz
Mohammad AL-SHARE
Change of Birefringence in Dye-Doped Nematic Liquid Crystals Under Laser Illumination
113b 30b
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