The Chorology of Genus Laurocerasus Duhamel (Rosaceae) in East Black Sea Region-Turkey

The Chorology of Genus Laurocerasus Duhamel (Rosaceae) in East Black Sea Region-Turkey

This study was carried out between 2009-2011. The aim of the study was to determine Laurocerasus Duhamel genus grown in East Black Sea Region. With these ecological and chorological studies on Cherry laurel  belonging to Laurocerasus Duhamel genus grown in East Black Sea Region was determined. In this study Cherry laurel, with local names as “yabani, ince, kiraz, geç, vavul, yürek, karpuz, siyah, fındık, beyaz, sivri” which grown in East Black Sea Region have been used. According to our study 10 taxa of local culture and one original natural-wild was observed and first time the Laurocerasus officinalis Roemer c.v. “beyaz karayemiş” was determined  in Turkey.  With this study,  chorology of  determined taxa  in Turkey has been shown by  the grid square system.


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