Rainwater collection of forms and areas of environmental use

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Rainwater, Health, Environment

Rainwater collection of forms and areas of environmental use

Water is the basic right of the living thing, and it is an indispensable element for living things. The amount of water consumption is increased by the effect of the industrial activities that are developed due to the increase of the population. Water resources must be conserved, water pollution must be reduced, and wastewater reuse should be maximized to release adequate and healthy water resources for future generations. It is aimed to use the rain water in the water consumption without mixing with the sewage water by the technology developed in the waste water treatment. For this reason, it is important that rainwater is recycled due to decreased water resources in our country. Rainwater analysis is of great importance in the recovery of rainwater so in this study, the advantages and disadvantages of the rainwater collection will be compared and it will be evaluated in which areas in the environment can be used. 


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