Determination of Bioclimatic Comfort Zones by Geographic Information Systems: Karabük Province, Turkey

Rapid increase in settlement areas with rapidly increasing population after the industrial revolution led to the formation of unplanned and irregular urbanization. By including climate data into city plans, comfortable spaces have been created to make people comfortable. Bioclimatic comfort is defined as the conditions in which a person adapts to the environment by consuming minimum energy. In order to determine the bioclimatic comfort status of a place, the temperature, relative humidity, and wind conditions must first be determined and evaluated. In this study, it is aimed to determine the bioclimatic comfort zones of Karabük province (Turkey). For this purpose, temperature, humidity, and wind data obtained from nine meteorological stations located within administrative borders of Karabük province are used. Temperature, humidity and wind maps are created by making a bioclimatic comfort analysis through this climatic data using ArcGIS 9.3 software, and Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) technique is selected as a method. These maps are overlaid by classifying them according to the specified comfort values. At the end of the study, it is observed that June, July, August, and September are suitable for Bioclimatic comfort.


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