Prospects for the Discovery of the Fe-Ni Silicate Mineral Deposits in the Region Pollata, Municipality Podujeva- Kosovo

Perspective geological research of nickel silicate ore in Kosovo are based on geological characteristics of mineral deposits and mineralization appearance of the Fe-Ni silicate. In the region Pollata in research have been included Murgulla and Ternavica locality where they applied geochemical method. Study localities belong to the Podujeva municipality, ophfiolite Vardar zone and represent the most northeast part of the Kosovo territory. In locality Murgulla are determinate weathering crust based on analysis of formation. Geochemical study in Ternavici are realized by profiles along serpentinite and taken 600 samples in surafce area of 1.5 hectares. Also are used and exploration drilling wells. Based to the spectrochemical analysis the percentage content of silicate nickel in Ternavica locality ranged from 0.19-0.98% Ni. These studies have given result on the existence the appearance of Nickel silicate ores. The paper aims to show results of geology perspectives researches for several decades, which will enable finding new mineral deposits of nickel silicate in state Republic of Kosovo.


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