Evaluation of the health literacy level of the patients who applied to a tertiary hospital family medicine clinic

Aim: This study aimed to reveal the level of health literacy of the patients who applied to the family medicine clinic of a tertiary hospital in Turkey and its relationship with demographic parameters. Material and Method: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive study. Study conducted in the family medicine clinic of an education hospital. Demographic characteristics and health literacy levels of the participants such as age, gender, marital status, educational status, professions, and financial status were noted. The health literacy levels of the participants were determined by using the Turkish Health Literacy Scale-32. Results: A total of 443 participants were included in the study. the median age of the participants was 36. The median health literacy of the participants was 33.9 (25th and 75th quartiles: 29.2-40.8). The health literacy index of 57 (12.9%) participants were inadequate 139 (31.4%) participants was problematic, 147 (33.2%) participants were sufficient, and 100 (22.6%) participants was excellent. There was a statistically significant, negative, and weak correlation between age and health literacy index. (r=-0.200, p=0.01, Spearman correlation test). Conclusion: Low health literacy is an important public health problem. Health literacy can be considered a priority policy issue. Legal arrangements can be made to carry out activities for health literacy.


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