Sakruma Metastaz Yapmış Medulloblastoma: Bir Olgu Sunumu

Giriş: Medulloblastoma çoğunlukla inftratentoryal yerleşimli ve sıklıkla çocukluk çağında görülen bir primitive nöroektodermal tümördür. Nadiren erişkin çağda görülür. Medulloblastoma genellikle pelvis, femur, vertebra ve kaburgalar gibi kemikler ile kemik iliğine metastaz yapar.

Cerebellar Medulloblastoma Metastasis to Sacrum: A Case Report

-Medulloblastoma is a primitive-neuroectodermal (PNET) tumor, mostly localized infratentorially and mostly seen in childhood. It can be seen rarely in adults . Medulloblastoma metastasis is generally seen at bone marrow and bone, such as pelvis, femur, vertebra and costal bones. Case Presentation- A 32-year-old male patient admitted to our clinic with complaints of headache, giddiness, and ataxia. Cystic tumoral lesion was seen in the cerebellum on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The tumor was excised totally by a paramedian suboccipital craniectomy. Pathological examination results were consistent with medulloblastoma. One year after the operation, the patient was admitted to our clinic with back pain, weakness in his legs and urinary incontinence. A sacral tumor was seen on lumbosacral MRI. Conclusion- This is the first report of a sacral medulloblastoma metastasis case successfully treated with a partial sacrectomy and total tumoral excision-