Analysis of the objectives of physical education in schools in Algeria and their perception by teachers and students

Analysis of the objectives of physical education in schools in Algeria and their perception by teachers and students

In the education system, the teaching of physical education is considered as an activity rather than a formalized intellectual activity. As a result, the perception of the pedagogical relationship actors in this field it is not always favorable, especially in Western countries. No data are currently available on this subject in Algeria. The goal of our research is to fill this gap. We proposed to 142 physical education teachers and 464 students in secondary and middle schools in the Algiers region to complete questionnaires to collect their representations with respect to physical education. We based on closed questions (Likert scale with four levels). In addition, an open question was included in the questionnaire for teachers. In this case a content analysis allowed us to classify the responses into a system of categories (% agree intra- analyst 93.3 %). Among the results, we will retain that: (1) the representation of the majority of teachers to comply with official guidelines; (2) physical education teachers mainly consider the status of physical education as "lower" than other school subjects; (3) physical education is well appreciated by all students subject in school, (4) representations of actors pedagogical relationship differ between the Algerian situation and that of European countries.


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