The effects of physical activity on disease and mortality

Physical activity (PA) provides great opportunities to improve and maintain health, including reducing the risk of developing and developing various non-communicable diseases, while physical inactivity (PI) is associated with early onset of non-communicable chronic diseases, leading to health problems and mortality from all causes, regardless of other risk factors. Relevant literature reviewed the problem was reviewed, where the goal was to see how phisycal activity affects certain noncommunicable diseases and whether it leads to symptom relief and reduced mortality. The effects of phisycal activity on coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction were positive if moderate aerobic phisycal activity was trained for 3 to 5 weeks for 30 minutes; to obesity, where higher fitness levels were associated with a lower risk of mortality; in type 2 diabetes mellitus, walking and cycling three times a week for 30 to 40 minutes shows little but significant progress in glucose control in diabetics, and the recommendation is to exercise aerobic activities amounting to 55% to 85% of maximum heart rate; and the effects of phisycal activity on cancer, where research has shown that moderate-intensity physical activities, ranging from 210 to 420 minutes per week, have great benefits in reducing the risk of some types of cancer and mortality, and that 150 minutes has shown no major health benefits.


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