With developing new communication technologies, concept of socialization has been changing in terms of content. Social media platforms have become one of the most important tools of peoples’ daily lives. This telescopic situation has revealed a security problem and vanished privacy in global context. Globally as Federal Trade Commission and International Center for Watching Violation of Rights are working on enhancing cyber security. When assessing the problem from the individual perspective, there is a clear contradiction between the need of security and privacy of users and exposing privacy on social media. (Wenger et al., 2009) In other words the facts of security and privacy are ignored by people who demand it. Exposing oneself makes individual strong as a social subject and enhancing the effort of transforming their identities to a popular Meta. The aim of this study is to display people who need respect to privacy and security presenting their privacy life on purpose at social media platforms. This paper suggests that people need to have their own security about privacy on social media first. (Ulaşanoğlu et al., 2010) 2 focus group discussions, each comprising of seven male and female students between 18-25 years at Maltepe University who have accounts both at Facebook and Twitter will be conducted for this study. In this context the study reaches the relational and causative results of sample group’s sharing their private areas on ground of privacy and security. As a result it gets a perspective for describe the conscious internet user


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