Peace activists in New Media

Peace activists in New Media

In this study, the way peace activists use new media and comments and reactions made for new activists in new media are analyzed. A review of transition from activism to digital activism and the impacts of this change was done with examples. WEB search method was used. First of all the concept of peace will be explained. İ. Kant will be used in definition of peace culture. It will be stated that peace culture is experienced in different way in societies, and put forward what we understand of concept of peace and how we live peace. In line with peace culture, the concept of peace will be categorized and it will be determined mostly in which category activists are included. The universe of observing activists is composed of new media. Analysis of activists in this field will be done more efficiently due to rapid and versatile structure of new media. As a result, effectiveness, aim and interaction of peace activists in new media within defined peace culture will be determined. 


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