İşletme düzeyinde rekabet ve Gübretaş örneği

İşletmelerin rekabet ortamında ayakta kalabilmeleri dış çevrelerine uygun rekabet araçlarını belirleyebilmelerine bağlıdır. Çünkü işletmelerin başarılı olabilmeleri rekabetçilikleriyle yakından ilgilidir. Bu yüzden bu çalışmanın başında rekabet ile ilgili genel bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır.  Ayrıca bu çalışma da işletmelerin rekabet etme nedenleri açıklanarak rekabet güçlerini etkileyen iç ve dış faktörler ayrı ayrı belirtilmiştir. İlerleyen bölümlerde Gübre sektörü hakkında genel bilgiler verilip firma içi ve firma dışı faktörler açısından gübre sektöründe faaliyet gösteren Gübretaş örneği ele alınmış ve uyguladığı rekabet araçları ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca Gübretaşın artan rekabet ortamında daha rekabetçi olabilmesi için tesviyelerde verilmiştir.

Competitiveness in the company level and the example of Gübretaş

Companies should choose proper competitive tools to be successful in their environment. Being successful is closely associated with being competitive.  Therefore, at the beginning of this work, a general look to Competitiveness is taken. In addition to this, the reasons for companies to compete are explained. Furthermore, the external and internal factors related to competitiveness are listed. In further sections, the example of Gübretaş is assessed with internal and external competitive factors and its competitive tools are explained. Advices for Gübretaş to be more competitive are also given. In this paper, the reasons for companies to compete are stated and external and internal factors affecting the competition level of companies are explained. Combination of these external and internal factors affects level of the competition, In other words, it affects the success of the companies.  Therefore, the companies should deeply analyze these factors, so that they can choose the best combination of tools for competition. Being more competitive let the companies gain more market share in their field.  Being big gives advantages for companies. The reason for this is that big companies can have more sources than other ordinary companies. These companies use tools like price, promotion, etc to compete with ordinary companies. Therefore, if today’s companies want to obtain success in the competition, they should increase their sources as much as possible to defend themselves against attacks by their competitors. To do this, they should determine the best practices for competition.


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