Investigation of the personality, anger and anxiety situation of the professional and amateur football players and the veteran footballers

The aim of this study is to investigate the anger, personality and anxiety levels of the football players who actively play football and the football players who have left football. A total 496 football players, 162 women and 334 men, participated in the research in Istanbul in 2018. Spielberger's Anger Style scale, the Eysenck Personality Inventory short form, and Spielberger's continuous anxiety inventory were used as data collection tools. The percentage distribution and frequency values of the athletes participating in the research were determined with descriptive statistics and Shapiro Wilk test was applied as the normality test. Depending on the athletes’ situation, Mann Whitney U test was performed to compare the anger, personality and anxiety levels of the athletes. Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the anger, personality and anxiety levels of the athletes depending on the level of the athlete, and Tamhane was used as the second level test to identify meaningful groups. Sperman correlation test was used to determine the relationship between the anger, personality and anxiety levels of the athletes. All the tests performed were done at α = 0.05 significance level. Microsoft Excell 2017 for Windows was used to enter the data into the computer environment and SPSS 25 package program was used to create graphics and tables. As a result of the findings obtained from the study, it was observed that there were significant differences between anger and inward anger scores according to the athletes' status, and anger, personality and trait anxiety dimensions according to the level of athletics. On the other hand, it was seen that there was a significant relationship between anger, personality and trait anxiety levels of the athletes participating in the research. As a result, it was determined that normal athletes were angrier than veteran athletes, and professional footballers had better level of anger controls and anger levels than amateur athletes. On the other hand, it has been determined that the personality and anxiety levels of professional athletes are higher than amateur athletes.


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