Technological fureseat of shocked frozen blueberry

Technological fureseat of shocked frozen blueberry

The present paper deals with shock freezing method used in blue blueberries introduced to Gvara-Khutsubani fruit and vine collective nursery in humid subtropical region of Georgia, particularly, how to artificially freeze and preserve blueberries so that to retain their biological, hygienic, organoleptic properties properly, also, paper investigates what are recommended temperature and moisture regimes and thermophysical parameters used in shock freezing method. It is well-known that Georgia is bent on joining the EU, that is why, significant attention is paid to producing safe and standardized products. In order to preserve high quality in raw materials and products while shock freezing, it is necessary to correctly opt the ripeness level of the fruit and permanently control biologically active substances during processing. All afore-mentioned factors will greatly contribute to introducing highly competitive product to market and existence of suitable marketing conditions does not rule out the export of this product. As a result of experimental research and fast freezing method on –35°C, we have got the type of fruit preserving parameters which thoroughly meet the standard characteristics of blueberry frozen by means of shock freezing method.


