A Study on the Preparation of Textbooks for the Ottoman Sıbyan Schools in the Late 19th Century

A Study on the Preparation of Textbooks for the Ottoman Sıbyan Schools in the Late 19th Century

The nineteenth century witnessed remarkable developments in primary education. The vital importance of the primary education in various aspects was emphasised at every opportunity. In this context, reform in this level of education was one of the issues on the agenda of statesmen. Accordingly, close attention began to be paid to the sıbyan schools. Education in these schools was made compulsory in the above-mentioned century. Efforts were made to ensure that children, who had reached the age of education, acquired some basic knowledge. On the other hand, important steps were taken to improve teaching methods, renew programmes and prepare appropriate textbooks for these children. The publication of the Regulation for Writing and Translation [Telif ve Tercüme Nizâmnâmesi] dated 14 May 1870 [12 Safar 1287] was an important step especially in the context of the aforementioned textbooks. In this sense, the present study focuses on the contents, number of pages, prizes and writing duration of the textbooks to be put into the competition, especially for sıbyan schools, in line with the declaration attached to the end of the relevant regulation, without ignoring the provisions of it regarding the books to be written or translated. This regulation and the declaration attached to it constitute the main material of the study, but the literature on the subject is also included in the evaluation. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that 11 textbooks were aimed to be prepared for sıbyan schools and important provisions were determined in this context. This endeavour constituted a concrete example of the close relationship between education and power.


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