Histopathological findings in women that living Elazig with abnormal uterine bleeding: in 20 years

Histopathological findings in women that living Elazig with abnormal uterine bleeding: in 20 years

Aim: Abnormal uterine bleeding refers to any uterine bleeding that occurs in excessive amounts of regular menstrual bleeding or any postmenopausal bleeding. The present study aims to determine histopathological findings in Turkish women with abnormal uterine bleeding in Elazığ.Material and Methods: Retrospectively 420 women with abnormal uterine bleeding were included in the study. Hematoxylin and eosin sections of the cases were re-evaluated by a single pathologist.Results: Of the 316 premenouposal cases %37,02 was diagnosed as (n=117) proliferative endometrium, %22,46 as (n=71) secretuar endometrium, as %3,79 (n=12) desidualisation, as %1,26 (n=4) atrophy, as %2,53 (n=8) placental tissue, as %12 (n=38) dysfunctional uterine bleeding, %12,34 (n=39) as endometrial polyp, %7,9 (n=25) as endometrial hyperplasia, and %0,63 (n=2) as endometrial adenocarcinoma. Of the 104 postmenouposal cases diagnosed as %10,57 (n=11) proliferative endometrium, %0,96 as (n=1) secretuar endometrium, %17,30 (n=18) as desidualisation, %13,46 (n=14) as endometrial polyp, %39,42 (n=41) atrophy, %12,5 (n=13) as endometrial hyperplasia, %5,76 (n=6) as endometrial adenocarcinoma.Conclusions: In our region, because endometrial sampling results belong patients with abnormal uterine bleeding which is usually concordant to age and menstrual cycle, We conclude that non-invasive methods should be tried before sampling. Endometrial carcinoma risk is consistent with the literature,so endometrial samplings should not be avoided?


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İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-1744
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi