In the last decade, many studies have focused their attention on the status of English in different countries, world English(es), and the usage of English. Nevertheless, none of the study was conducted in Kosovar context in the Balkan’s, although the position of English in Kosovo is extremely important. Therefore, this paper aims to review other studies and to shed light on the abovementioned issue by discussing and reflecting on national, historical, social, political, educational, cultural, and economic issues that contribute to the use of English language in everyday Kosovar lives. Taking into consideration historical points of views, the English-speaking counties’ impact in Kosovo’s independence, the high level of penetration of English loanwords, and Kosovars’ aspiration to accept and integrate these loanwords, it can be understood the high regard for English language among Albanian/Kosovar society which has also affected the everyday communication and lexis in different fields which is evident in different group ages, especially young adults. However, educational factors play the most important part in English learning. The institutional support in enhancing pedagogical practices, continuous teacher training programs, provision of desired books, native teacher mobility are considered to be the main factors that contribute to authentic English language acquisition.
In the last decade, many studies have focused their attention on the status of English in different countries, world English(es), and the usage of English. Nevertheless, none of the study was conducted in Kosovar context in the Balkan’s, although the position of English in Kosovo is extremely important. Therefore, this paper aims to review other studies and to shed light on the abovementioned issue by discussing and reflecting on national, historical, social, political, educational, cultural, and economic issues that contribute to the use of English language in everyday Kosovar lives. Taking into consideration historical points of views, the English-speaking counties’ impact in Kosovo’s independence, the high level of penetration of English loanwords, and Kosovars’ aspiration to accept and integrate these loanwords, it can be understood the high regard for English language among Albanian/Kosovar society which has also affected the everyday communication and lexis in different fields which is evident in different group ages, especially young adults. However, educational factors play the most important part in English learning. The institutional support in enhancing pedagogical practices, continuous teacher training programs, provision of desired books, native teacher mobility are considered to be the main factors that contribute to authentic English language acquisition.
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