Waste Characterızatıon of Karaman Provınce and Determınatıon and Comparıson of Indıvıduals' Waste Approaches

Waste Characterızatıon of Karaman Provınce and Determınatıon and Comparıson of Indıvıduals' Waste Approaches

The most basic building block of solid waste management is to determine the amount of waste generated by individuals in a day. As it can be understood from here, the most important issue in solid waste management is individuals. Therefore, all kinds of waste management studies should be based on the individual. In our study, a questionnaire was applied to 1 263 people residing in Karaman. In addition, according to income levels, 5 pilot regions were determined and characterization studies were carried out in different time periods. Of the wastes generated as a result of characterization, 45.08% of kitchen wastes, 3.41% of park and garden wastes and 30.36% of recyclable wastes. Only 18.6% of the recyclable waste potential is collected with the existing system. Within the framework of the survey, the rate of those who collect recyclable waste separately is 21%. In addition, it is understood from the survey study that individuals do not know what type of waste is produced in their homes. In this framework, waste collection and evaluation suggestions were presented by determining the waste potentials with the characterization study and the individual attitudes with the survey study.


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