Sığır Besiciliğinde Performans ve Karkas Değerlerinin Meta Analizi ile İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği
Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de 2000-2021 yılları arasında sığır besiciliği üzerine yapılan çalışmaların performans ve karkas özellikleri yönünden meta analizi ile incelenerek farklı ırk, bölge, yıl, yaş ve besi süresi için ortak bir sonuca ulaşılması amaçlanmıştır. 2000-2021 yılları arasında yayımlanmış 39 sığır besi çalışmasından elde edilen 136 çalışma bulgusu meta analize dahil edilerek, besi başı canlı ağırlık
(BBCA), besi sonu canlı ağırlık (BSCA), günlük canlı ağırlık artışı (GCAA), yemden yararlanma oranı (YYO), sıcak karkas ağırlığı (SIKA), sıcak karkas randımanı (SIKAR), soğuk karkas ağırlığı (SOKA) ve soğuk karkas randımanı (SOKAR) değerlerinin ortalamaları hesaplandı. Toplam heterojenliğin hesaplanmasında Cochran’s Q istatistiği, çalışmalar arasındaki varyansın toplam varyansa oranının
hesaplanmasında I2 indisi ve çalışmalar arasındaki gerçek varyansın tahmininde ise τ2 (tau2) istatistiği kullanıldı. Çalışma bulgularına göre, en düşük BBCA, BSCA ve GCAA gibi göstergelerde en düşük değerlerin yerli ırklarda (DAK, Boz, Zavot, GAK) ve Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. YYO yönünden en düşük ve en yüksek değere sahip alt gruplar sırasıyla; ırklara göre Simental (5.49 kg) ve Yerli ırklar (8.46 kg) (P<0.001); Coğrafi bölgelere göre, Marmara (5.02 kg) ve İç Anadolu (8.23 kg)
(P<0.001); Yıllara göre, 2011-2021 (7.35 kg) ve 2000-2010 (7.49 kg) (P=0.750). Besiyealınan yaşa göre, ≥6 ay (6.72 kg) ve ≥18 ay (9.83 kg) (P=0.747). Besi süresine göre, ≥270 gün (6.91 kg) ve ≤180 (7.80 kg) (P=0.154) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. SIKA yönünden en yüksek ağırlıklar Simental (327 kg) ırkı bulunmuştur. SIKAR yönünden en yüksek oranlar Kültür Melezi (%58.6) ırklarında bulunurken, bölgesel olarak
incelendiğinde Karadeniz Bölgesi (%60.1) ön plana çıkmaktadır. SOKA yönünden en yüksek ağırlıklar Limuzin (363.7 kg) ırkında, bölgesel olarak ise Karadeniz Bölgesinde (316.6 kg) bulunmuştur. SOKAR yönünden en yüksek oranlar Limuzin (%58.3) ırkında hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, yapılan bu çalışma Türkiye şartlarında sığır besiciliği yapan/yapacak olan üreticiler ile politikacılara gelecekte sürdürülebilir ve daha kârlı bir üretim yapılması için karar desteği sağlayacaktır.
Meta-Analysis of Performance and Carcass Values in Cattle Fattening: The Case of Turkey
This study aimed to conduct a meta-analysis of studies conducted on cattle farming in Türkiye between 2000 and 2021, focusing on performance and carcass characteristics, to reach a common conclusion for different breeds, regions, years, ages, and feeding durations. A total of 136 study results from 39 beef cattle fattening studies published between 2000 and 2021 were included in the meta-analysis. The mean values were calculated that the beginning of fattening body weight (BBCA), end
of fattening body weight (BSCA), daily body weight gain (GCAA), feed conversion ratio (YYO), hot carcass weight (SIKA), hot carcass yield (SIKAR), cold carcass weight (SOKA) and cold carcass yield (SOKAR). Cochran's Q statistic was used to calculate total heterogeneity, the I2 index was used to calculate the ratio of the variance between studies to the total variance, and the τ2 (tau2) statistic was used to estimate the actual variance between studies. According to the study results, it was determined that the lowest values for indicators such as BBCA, BSCA, and GCAA were observed in native breeds (DAK, Boz, Zavot, GAK) and the Eastern Anatolia Region. In terms of YYO, the subgroups with the lowest and highest values were, respectively, by breed, Simental (5.49 kg) and Native breeds (8.46 kg)(P<0.001); by geographical region, Marmara (5.02 kg) and Central Anatolia (8.23 kg) (P<0.001); by years, 2011-2021 (7.35 kg) and 2000-2010 (7.49 kg) (P=0.750). According t o t he a ge a t t he s tart o f f eeding, ≥ 6 months (6.72 kg) and ≥18 months (9.83 kg) (P=0.747). In terms of feeding duration, ≥270 days (6.91 kg) and ≤180 days (7.80 kg) (P=0.154) were determined. The highest weights in SIKA were found in the Simental breed (327 kg). The highest proportions in SIKAR were found in crossbred (58.6%) breeds, and when analyzed regionally, the Black Sea Region (60.1%) stood out. Regarding SOKA, the highest weights were in the Limousin breed (363.7 kg); regionally, it was found in the Black Sea Region (316.6 kg). The highest proportions in SOKAR were calculated in the Limousin breed (58.3%). In conclusion, this study will provide decision support to cattle farmers in Türkiye and policymakers, enabling them to make informed decisions for sustainable and more profitable cattle farming practices in the future.This study aimed to conduct a meta-analysis of studies conducted on cattle farming in Türkiye between 2000 and 2021, focusing on performance and carcass characteristics, to reach a common conclusion for different breeds, regions, years, ages, and feeding durations. A total of 136 study results from 39 beef cattle fattening studies published between 2000 and 2021 were included in the meta-analysis. The mean values were calculated that the beginning of fattening body weight (BBCA), end of fattening body weight (BSCA), daily body weight gain (GCAA), feed conversion ratio (YYO), hot carcass weight (SIKA), hot carcass yield (SIKAR), cold carcass weight (SOKA) and cold carcass yield (SOKAR). Cochran's Q statistic was used to calculate total heterogeneity, the I2 index was used to calculate the ratio of the variance between studies to the total variance, and the τ2 (tau2) statistic was used to estimate the actual variance between studies. According to the study results, it was determined that the lowest values for indicators such as BBCA, BSCA, and GCAA were observed in native breeds (DAK, Boz, Zavot, GAK) and the Eastern Anatolia Region. In terms of YYO, the subgroups with the lowest and highest values were, respectively, by breed, Simental (5.49 kg) and Native breeds (8.46 kg) (P<0.001); by geographical region, Marmara (5.02 kg) and Central Anatolia (8.23 kg) (P<0.001); by years, 2011-2021 (7.35 kg) and 2000-2010 (7.49 kg) (P=0.750). According t o t he a ge a t t he s tart o f f feeding, ≥ 6
months (6.72 kg) and ≥18 months (9.83 kg) (P=0.747). In terms of feeding duration, ≥270 days (6.91 kg) and ≤180 days (7.80 kg) (P=0.154) were determined. The highest weights in SIKA were found in the Simental breed (327 kg). The highest proportions in SIKAR were found in crossbred (58.6%) breeds, and when analyzed regionally, the Black Sea Region (60.1%) stood out. Regarding SOKA, the highest weights were in the Limousin breed (363.7 kg); regionally, it was found in the Black Sea Region (316.6 kg). The highest proportions in SOKAR were calculated in the Limousin breed (58.3%). In conclusion, this study will provide decision support to cattle farmers in Türkiye and policymakers, enabling them to make informed decisions for sustainable and more profitable cattle farming practices in the future.
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