AIn what Ways is Kant's Critique of Eudaimonism Similar to Xenophon's Memories of Socrates

AIn what Ways is Kant's Critique of Eudaimonism Similar to Xenophon's Memories of Socrates

Eudaimonism is the ethical doctrine which argues that the pursuit of happiness underlies all the actions and activities of human beings, and happiness is the primary meaning of human life. In other words, ethic of happiness looks for the highest good in happiness and supppses that the whole purpose of human life is to reach happiness. This study looks at different ways of reaching happiness with reference to the following works: Xenophon's Memories of Socrates, Aristoteles's Nicomachean Ethics, Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Critique Of Practical Reason, and Metaphysics of Morals.


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