Ev Kazaları Hakkında Okul Öncesi Dönemdeki Çocukların Eğitiminde Resim Kullanımının Etkinliği

GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı resim yöntemi ile okul öncesi dönemdeki çocuklara (3-5 yaş grubu) verilen eğitim ile ev kazaları risklerinin öğretilmesidir.

The Effectiveness of Using Picture in Teaching Pre-Schoolers About Home Accidents

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to teach the risks of home accidents to preschool children (aged 3-5 years old) using a painting method.METHODS: This study was a semi-experimental, single group, pre-test/post-test model. This study was conducted in an institution of preschool education. A total of 87 students were selected from the 3-, 4-,and 5-year-old age groups in kindergarten using a simple random sampling method. The "Homeenvironment risk determination form" and home environment "Home picture showing risky situations at home" were used to teach the children in the study.RESULTS: After training, children were found to be significantly more likely to recognize accident risk in their home environment (p<0.001). Generally, recognition of accident risks in all rooms was found to be higher after education.DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: After training, children are more likely to recognize the risk of home accidents. Information may not always lead to behaviour change, but children’s ability to recognize the risks of accidents was good. To teach children younger than 6 years about protection from home accidents effectively, educational methods appropriate to their cognitive skills should be used. 


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