Environmental noise is a collection of unwanted, disturbing or healththreateningsounds. As in the whole world, noise pollution is one of thecommon types of pollution that affect public health and comfort in differentforms in our country. The level of noise in an environment affects humanhealth negatively in terms of physical, psychological, physiological andperformance. In this system, based on the environment we work on, webobjects based environmental noise monitoring system is aimed to be made. Inthis study, an environmental noise monitoring network has been establishedwhich enables monitoring of indoor areas throughout the day by using soundsensor so that this system can be accessed from any environment whereinternet is available. As a result, remote environmental noise monitoring isprovided in real time. In this study, the objective of the noise monitoringnetwork as a sub-based web object is a project which is intended to controlthe problems arising from the public health, labor force, industrialization andthe development of modern life. As a result of the researches and observations,it is recommended to present them to the field in order to provide awarenessand sensitivity to environmental noise pollution. The measuring accuracy ofthe system was tested with the HT-80A noise meter.


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