The Relationship of Art and Music Education with Adolescents' Humor Styles and Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills

The Relationship of Art and Music Education with Adolescents' Humor Styles and Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills

Purpose: Today's education system focuses primarily on the academic skills of individuals. However, art and music education is thought to affect both humor and interpersonal problem-solving skills by supporting the social and emotional skills of adolescents. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate how receiving art and music education relates to adolescents’ humor styles and interpersonal problem-solving skills. Methods: A total of 178 adolescents were included in the study; this sample included 54 students attending the music department and 60 students attending the art department in a fine arts high school, and 64 students who were not receiving any art education and were studying in a regular high school. The “Humor Styles Questionnaire” and “Interpersonal Problem Solving Inventory (High School Form)” were used. Two-way analysis of variance and correlation coefficient significance test were applied to analyze the data. Findings: The results of the study showed that adolescents with healthy and compatible humor styles had effective problem-solving methods. Moreover, the results of the study revealed that the adolescents receiving art and music education both adopted more positive humor styles and preferred more effective methods for solving interpersonal problems than those who did not receive such education. These results demonstrate the importance of art education in supporting children developmentally. Implications for Research and Practice: Based on the results of the study, it can be asserted that a qualified art education is required, with sensitivity to the necessity of art education and its effect on development in societies.


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